Feature Ideas

Post your ideas for the improvement of mogenius.

  1. Docker compose

    Add support for repositories that rely on Docker compose.

    #Features & Services 🚀


  2. Simplify managing environment variables

    When working with a larger list of environment variables in a service the current UI can be cumbersome. Adding a YAML/Text mode for env vars would allow to copy/paste from .env files or to quickly edit multiple variables.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Improvement 👍


  3. Clone services

    Add a new feature to clone services to different projects or stages with one click.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  4. Project policies

    Projects could have settings for admins to activate/deactivate certain managed policies for a project. Those policies would be defined and managed by mogenius so that users don't have to configure them manually. Examples: NetworkPolicy to allow cross-namespace communication Prevent services from getting exposed to the internet etc.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  5. Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

    Resource scaling is currently manual but activating horizontal pod autoscaling on service level would be helpful for better scalability and less maintenance effort. We're thinking about setting a threshold of CPU limit that triggers autoscaling + a limit of maximum pods/instances for each service.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  6. Create Template from Service

    You can already create custom service templates with the template library by defining all service settings once and then reusing it to create services. If you already created a service and later decide that it could be useful to have a template for team members, it would be helpful to add a template from an existing service.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Improvement 👍


  7. 2FA

    Enable two-factor authentication to add an additional security layer for accounts.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  8. Managed databases

    Support creation of managed databases from your cloud provider (e.g. azure, gcp, aws) from inside a project.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  9. Subscribe to notifications

    Get notified via Email or Slack when a deployment failed, a service crashed, or vulnerabilities have been detected.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  10. Rollbacks

    Track a historical list of deployments and allow a rollback to a previous version of a service.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  11. Audit logs

    Add a log for admins to see historical activity of all users in an organization. Each change to settings of a cluster/project/setting would be documented with details about user and time stamp.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  12. Demo environment

    Provide a demo environment to play around with mogenius that everyone can use after signing up. It could be accessible to free users and would reset periodically. Rules and configurations must be considered to avoid abuse (spam, harmful content, crypto mining).

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  13. Detailed service metrics

    Add historical charts for resource consumption of a service on the service page.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Improvement 👍


  14. Automated Preview Environments

    With each Pull Request on a certain branch an environment (= clone of a stage) will be deployed that mirrors your applications based on the recent PR. The idea is to simplify testing and debugging for individual devs. Once the PR is approved the environment will be shut down.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀


  15. External Secrets Operator Integration

    If you're using an external vault to manage secrets you might want to use this one with mogenius instead of using the built-in key vault. We're adding an integration for the external secrets operator (CNCF) that allows you to connect mogenius with external vaults, like AWS, GCP, Hashicorp etc.

    Jan Lepsky
    #Features & Services 🚀
